Who are we ?

The founders

The Children of Panzi and elsewhere is a Belgian organization, created on September 4th 2015. The organization was founded by a team composed of four women with different political sensitivities but having in common that all are touched by the situation of victims of sexual violence against children in conflict zones.


The organization gathers together professionals who deal with the psychological support of children and post traumatic stress disorders as well as other concerned individuals to achieve this objective.

Véronique de Keyser

Former president of the association

Cathleen de Kerchove

Co-founder & current president of the association

Marie-Dominique Simonet


Isabelle Durant


The Belgian team

Today, The Children of Panzi and Elsewhere has been reinforced by four new members.

Cathleen de Kerchove

Co-founder & President - Volunteer

Sibylle de Bergeyck

Treasurer - Volunteer

Aude Lemaire

Legal support and fundraising - Volunteer

Laura Herroudi

Psychologist and Training Assistant - Employee

Our team in bukavu

In Bukavu, our team has 6 members :

3 psychologists, 2 social workers and a pedagog are working on site to take care of the children of Panzi.


Sifa Ntamwenge

Project coordinator and psychologist

Rosette Naziolaba-kanyize


Shekina Ashuzaneema


Abraham Brazos


Anna Mareganen-talubanja

Psychosocial assistant

Wivinne Cikuruhom-banyi

Psychosocial assistant